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ISSN 1803-8441
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Nacházíte se:  Úvod    Projektování    Consistent Analysis Method For Long Term Effects In Composite Bridges

Consistent Analysis Method For Long Term Effects In Composite Bridges

Publikováno: 26.10.2010
Rubrika: Projektování

Composite structures are widely used in bridge engineering, mostly combining steel girders with a cast in place concrete slab. Long-term effects due to creep and shrinkage of the concrete together with the specific structural behaviour make it imperative that appropriate techniques be used in the design and analysis process for considering these effects in accordance with sufficiently accurate theories.

Some of the arising problems and their solution in the design and analysis process of composite bridges will be described in this paper. The basic theory needed for the proper numerical modelling of long-term effects combined with the specific structural behaviour of the bridges will be outlined. A consistent solution is proposed for both linear elastic theory and non-linear theory.

The presented solution has been implemented in a commercially available computer program. This implementation into the bridge design software is briefly described. The system takes into account all types of quasi-permanent loading and the time, when it is applied on the structure. The structural calculation includes the computation of the effects due to creep and shrinkage in the time intervals between activating new structural components and applying major new loadings. With such tools, the structural engineer is able to predict and follow the structural and material behaviour through all steps of bridge construction. A geometrical pre-processor and a powerful graphical post-processor facilitate the comparison of the behaviour and costs of different variants within short time.

Various composite bridges have already been successfully designed and analysed by applying the presented solution. The bridges presented in this paper as typical examples are suited to give insight into the problems specifically related to composite behaviour that were encountered and solved in the design process using the presented solution.

You can read the entire article HERE.

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